Thursday, December 15, 2011

The months after Wyoming.

I have been home in Smithfield since the end of September. Now I am living with my parents. I have been living back with my parents for three months and that is the longest I have lived with my parents since I moved out in January 2008. It has been ok living with my parents. It certainly is a new adventure that I may not necessarily like right now but it is still an adventure that is going on in my life. I was planning on going back to Wyoming for the winter to work at Flagg Ranch but that fell through. So that means I am here in Utah (Smithfield) trying to find a job here and trying to figure out what I am suppose to do with my future. I am thinking about going into Culinary Arts at Bridgerland Applied Technology College in Logan. Or maybe being a Vet Assistant/Tech. Oh the decisions I have to make. All leading me down a different road and adventure. I have had several interviews but none of them had panned out. I had an interview yesterday at the Specialty Hospital Deli. I am really hoping that I get this job but if not then I will have to figure something else out. My life is on its own adventure right now and I just don't know exactly where it is taking me. All of the other adventures I have been on in my life I have known where those adventures have taken me. Where this adventure is taking me, I have no clue. But when it ends I hope that it turns out for the better and I have learned what I am suppose to learn.