Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Here I am, My life is waiting to begin

Here I am in Ephraim Utah. To me my life is waiting for a new adventure. It is like my life is waiting to begin. In the future I will probably realize that what I have been doing the last couple of months and the next few months has been an adventure. But right now here I am, waiting for my life to begin. Life is an adventure in itself. My adventure right now is rather boring. I had always thought an adventure is suppose to be fun and exciting and that I need to be traveling or something spectacular. Here I am, waiting for my life to begin. It will begin eventually or it has already begun and I just hasn't realized it yet. Right now I am living in Ephraim Utah. I am working with two people who have disabilities. It is an adventure every time I work with them but when I am not at work my life sure doesn't seem like it is an adventure. I do know that when I am up in Wyoming when I am working and when I am not at work my life will be an adventure. Here I am, waiting for my life to begin.

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