Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Colter Bay Village

I have been here at Colter Bay since Sunday afternoon. I was one of the few people who checked into the dorms that day. Since then people are slowly trinkling in. My friend Rebecca from last year arrived on monday. It was nice to actually have a friend here at the beginning of the season who I know that I can have a lot of fun with, especially when it comes to stocking the grocery store. The weather has been good. Most of the days it has been blue skys and partly cloudy but it is still cold here. It is the middle of May and in Wyoming there is still snow. Here at the dorms in some areas the snow is several feeet tall but in other areas just a few inches. The lake is frozen but is starting to melt slowly. I feel like this year here working at Colter Bay will be a good season. When I got here on sunday I didn't feel regret like I did when I arrived last season. Last season was fun but sometimes there was a feeling of regret. I don't feel that this year. I love Wyoming, and Colter Bay. If I could and really wanted to I would keep coming back and working here every summer. I get a peaceful feeling whenever I am here. My well of water had drained out really fast during the winter and now that I am here, I will be able to fill my well to overflowing(my mom would understand that). I am on my new adventure for the next four months and I am ready for it.

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